Public Health England

Print & distribution savings


Public Health England (PHE) is an executive agency of the Department of Health, it exists to protect and improve the nation’s health and wellbeing.

Public Health England’s Change4Life programme is a social marketing campaign that aims to reduce obesity by educating and encouraging people of all ages to eat more healthily and increase exercise. Their ‘10 Minute Shake Up’ campaign uses popular Disney characters alongside recognisable Change4Life animations to get children doing more 10 minute bursts of exercise to help them reach the recommended amount of physical activity.


Tactile engagement is key with children and so the campaign packs, containing stickers, planners and passports, are an essential part of the media mix. PHE needed 4 million educational Change4Life packs to be printed, collated and distributed to 16,500 schools in England. This major print and logistics project came just as we transitioned to become PHE’s new provider under the Crown Commercial Service (CCS) Managed Print and Digital Solutions framework (RM3785), on which we are the single supplier for Lot 1. It was essential that campaign timelines were met and cost efficiencies were identified.

We scrutinised the specification and re-evaluated the planned supply chain. New suppliers were brought in and supported by the supplier’s own in-house production facility to ensure that each element was produced by a best in class supplier – ensuring maximum cost efficiency while minimising risk.


The campaign distribution was completed one week ahead of schedule, and database cleaning and tracked courier services ensured return rates of just 0.08%. By offering combined print and logistics services under the CCS print framework, we provided PHE a full end-to-end solution, which removed over a week of transport and double handling time and provided significant additional cost savings. It was also able to provide a full audit and proof of delivery to every school.

Overall, PHE achieved savings of 13.6% in manufacturing and distribution costs.

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