Families Outside partners with APS Group to ensure every child receives a gift this Christmas

1st December 2019

Families Outside, the only national charity that works solely to support families affected by imprisonment, is working with the Scottish Prison Service and APS Group to give female prisoners in HMP Edinburgh an opportunity to make, and send, personalised gifts to their children in time for Christmas.

As most primary care givers are women, the imprisonment of a mother is particularly devastating for children, as they are more likely to have to face the disruption of moving to a different home and school at an already traumatic time.

With an estimated 20,000 – 27,000 children in Scotland with a parent in prison each year, this is a significant issue, and over the Christmas period these emotions are often heightened. Children can experience grief, shame, and guilt.

APS Group will donate card-making packs and boxes for the gifts and will deliver them in time for Christmas as part of their commitment to supporting the wider community.

Allan Doyle, Managing Director of APS Group Scotland said, “APS is delighted to be able to support this project which will help to brighten up Christmas for these children. Partnership is what we’re all about and we hope that this particular collaboration between APS, Scottish Prison Service and Families Outside can go from strength to strength.”

Although this initiative is currently running out of HMP Edinburgh, thanks to support from Scottish Prison Service and APS Group, Families Outside hope that it will roll out to other prisons in the future.

Learn more about Families Outside via: www.familiesoutside.org.uk

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